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Products and markets-The activities of the imperial guilds of Constantinople

机译:产品和市场 - 君士坦丁堡帝国公会的活动



In the present paper the questions that are covered concern specific entrepreneurial aspects of the imperial guilds in Constantinople of the 10~(th) century. The mentioned aspects are dealing first with the products and services offered by the guilds and secondly with the places, streets and areas where the guild members allowed to do their business. All this information is stated in the Book of the Eparch (BE) or Book of the Prefect (To Eπαρχiκcov Biβλiov). Accordingly we are analyzing first the structure and quantity of the products / services mentioned in the Book of Eparch (BE) and next we are mentioning the used locations prescribed by the Prefect himself. Therefore the investigation analyses the products / services as well as the places connected with each of the products and services that are sold there.



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