
Steam Turbine Generator Performance and Reliability Optimization




Over time, a paper mill's steam distribution system will be revised and adapted to meet the changing demands of the mill. With these revisions the steam flow and power production capacity of a mill's steam turbine generators can be affected. In addition, the internal components of a steam turbine wear and become less efficient. Performing a thorough energy balance analysis to defme the electrical and thermal power requirements is essential to maximizing the utilization and efficiency of these energy forms. Using the energy balance information, the internal steam flow path of the turbine including valves, stationary nozzles and rotating blades can be redesigned to match the required steam conditions and flows while maximizing electrical power production. Older steam turbine generators can be upgraded for improved reliability and control through the utilization of up to date control systems, bearings, shaft seal systems and instrumentation to monitor vital operating parameters. Payback for these turbine upgrades can be less than 2 years. This paper reviews the parameters which must be analyzed to insure that the thermal energy demands of the mill are met while maximizing the production of electrical power generated. Improved turbine generator operational reliability will also be described through the use of upgrades to bring various turbine components and auxiliary systems up to date with today's available technology.



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