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Reducing Worst-Case Illumination Estimates for Better Automatic White Balance




Automatic white balancing works quite well on average, but seriously fails some of the time. These failures lead to completely unacceptable images. Can the number, or severity, of these failures be reduced, perhaps at the expense of slightly poorer white balancing on average, with the overall goal being to increase the overall acceptability of a collection of images? Since the main source of error in automatic white balancing arises from misidentifying the overall scene illuminant, a new illumination-estimation algorithm is presented that minimizes the high percentile error of its estimates. The algorithm combines illumination estimates from standard existing algorithms and chromaticity gamut characteristics of the image as features in a feature space. Illuminant chromaticities are quantized into chromaticity bins. Given a test image of a real scene, its feature vector is computed, and for each chromaticity bin, the probability of the illuminant chromaticity falling into a chromaticity bin given the feature vector is estimated. The probability estimation is based on Loftsgaarden-Quesenberry multivariate density function estimation over the feature vectors derived from a set of synthetic training images. Once the probability distribution estimate for a given chromaticity channel is known, the smallest interval that is likely to contain the right answer with a desired probability (i.e., the smallest chromaticity interval whose sum of probabilities is greater or equal to the desired probability) is chosen. The point in the middle of that interval is then reported as the chromaticity of the illuminant. Testing on a dataset of real images shows that the error at the 90~th and 98~(th) percentile ranges can be reduced by roughly half, with minimal impact on the mean error.
机译:自动白色平衡平均工作得很好,但严重失败了一些时间。这些故障导致完全不可接受的图像。这些故障的数量或严重程度都可以减少,也许是平均略微较差的白色平衡,总体目标是增加一系列图像的整体可接受性?由于自动白色平衡中的误差的主要来源是由于总体场景光源而产生的,因此提出了一种新的照明估计算法,从而最大限度地减少其估计的高百分比误差。该算法将图像的标准现有算法和色度域特性与特征空间中的特征相结合。光子色度量化成色度箱。给定真实场景的测试图像,计算其特征向量,并且对于每个色度箱,估计落入特征向量的色度箱中的发光体色度的概率。概率估计基于从一组合成训练图像导出的特征向量上的Loftsgaarden-quesenbery多变量函数估计。一旦知道给定的色度信道的概率分布估计,所以选择可能包含所需概率的最小间隔(即,概率和概率总和更大或等于所需概率的最小色度间隔) 。然后将该间隔中间的点作为发光体的色度报告。在真实图像的数据集上测试显示90〜和98〜(Th)百分位范围的错误大约可能减少一半,对平均误差的影响最小。



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