
Thermal treatment of the mineral wool mat




The operational stability of mineral wool materials is largely determined by the uniformity of polycondensation the binder in the material volume. For optimization the thermal treatment parameters software system was designed, and it's been tested in technology of layered products.The operational stability of mineral wool materials is laid at the manufacturing stage of these products, and it's defined by the properties of raw materials and the conditions of formation the structure and its stabilization during the thermaltreatment .Properties of the mineral fibers (in particular the resistance to aggressive environments) are estimated by module acidity, for mineral wool produced from natural stones (basalt, gabbro, porphyrite) - stone wool it is in the range from 1,8 to 2,2. Formation conditions of the material structure should provide maximal intersection of fibers while maintaining the uniformity of the structure. It is achievable by volume fiber orientation. Stabilization of the structure is achieved during thermal treatment by polycondensation the binder.In this process very important parameters are a uniform distribution of binder, the maximum polycondensationof the binder and the maximum uniformity polycondensationof the binder.
机译:矿棉材料的操作稳定性主要由缩聚物在材料体积中的粘合剂的均匀性决定。对于优化的热处理参数软件系统的设计,并且它在矿棉材料在这些产品的制造阶段被放置的分层products.The操作稳定性的技术进行了测试,并且它是由原材料的性质和条件限定形成的过程中的矿物纤维的thermaltreatment的.properties结构及其稳定化(尤其是在苛刻环境阻力)通过模块酸度估计,用于从天然石(玄武岩,辉长岩,玢)中产生矿棉 - 岩棉它是在从1,8到2,2的范围内。材料结构的形成的条件应提供纤维的最大交叉点,同时保持结构的均匀性。它是可实现的,由体积纤维取向可实现。该结构的稳定化是通过缩聚热处理期间所取得的binder.In这个过程非常重要的参数是粘合剂的均匀分布,最大polycondensationof粘合剂和最大均匀polycondensationof粘合剂。



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