首页> 外文会议>International academic seminar of softpower >The Structure and Function System of National Soft Power

The Structure and Function System of National Soft Power




From the original semantic,the full name of the soft power is the national soft power which is the soft influence of a country on the world and the emotional appeal to other counties,most of all,the soft creative elasticity of a country's own.The composition of national soft power is a complex system of dynamic generation,traditional charm,ethical standards,educational ability,academic thought,artistic creation,system vigor,political orientation,government action,diplomatic ability etc.,all of which are fundamental elements of the national soft power.These elements are also logically interrelated and classified in accordance with their functions which can be grouped into 5 aspects:traditional charm and ethical standards as the soil of national soft power,system vigor and political orientation as the foundation of national soft power,academic thought,educational ability and artistic creation as the motive force of national soft power,government action as the leading force of national soft power and diplomatic ability as the popularization force of national soft power,these 5 constitute the function system of national soft power.



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