首页> 外文会议>SPE Brasil Offshore Conference >Water Injection Enhancement through a Novel Oil-Soluble/Water-DispersibleCombination Cleaner and Corrosion Inhibitor

Water Injection Enhancement through a Novel Oil-Soluble/Water-DispersibleCombination Cleaner and Corrosion Inhibitor




A novel oil-soluble/water-dispersible combination cleaner and corrosion inhibitor was developed. It is designed to be applied inwater injection lines to clean deposits, inhibit the formation of future deposits and provide protection from corrosion. Thischemistry is especially effective against paraffinic/hydrocarbon deposits, which can help hold together scale such as iron sulfidesand help them adhere to the pipe walls, filters, and increase downhole plugging. Evaluation of deposits from various fieldlocations in North America was performed via bottle shaking dispersion studies. The amount of hydrocarbon uptake into the waterphase was measured through the use of fluorimetry. Our testing clearly reveals the ability of the product to break down thesedeposits over time and prevent re-adhesion onto pipe walls. To study the effect of this material on the near wellbore area in theinjection wells, core flood studies were performed that indicated no formation damage occurs, and that the material can readilyclean the near wellbore. Corrosion testing was performed using kettle test protocols in synthetic brine and also with oxygensparging. In all cases, the product was able to provide excellent cleaning capabilities and corrosion inhibition, even in the presenceof oxygen.



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