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Reconstruction and validation of SCA from spectral mixture analysis




As climate continues to change, the empirical methods of managing water, which are based on historical relationships between point measurements and runoff, are likely to become less accurate. Hence the utility of distributed snowmelt models based on a judicious integration of remotely sensed and surface measurements will consequently increase. However, as the analysis in this paper shows, translation of reflectance measurements from MODIS into a product that is useful for hydrologic analyses involves complicated, somewhat arcane knowledge. The daily products have data gaps and errors because of cloud cover and sensor viewing geometry. Rather than make users interpolate and filter these patchy daily maps without completely understanding the retrieval algorithm and instrument properties, we use the daily time series to improve the estimate of the measured snow properties for a particular day. We use a combination of noise filtering, snow/cloud discrimination, and interpolation and smoothing to produce our best estimate of the daily snow cover. We compare the result of smoothed SCA with TM SCA, the precise is 0.98 and RMSE is 0.06, but the RMSE is up to 0.22 and the precise is 0.9 when we compare the result between MYD10A1 and TM.
机译:随着气候的不断变化,管理水的实证方法,基于点测量和径流之间的历史关系,可能会变得不太准确。因此,基于远程感测和表面测量的明智地集成的分布式雪花模型的效用将增加。然而,作为本文的分析表明,从MODIS转化为可用于水文分析的产品的反射率测量的翻译涉及复杂的,有点术语的知识。由于云盖和传感器观察几何,每日产品具有数据差距和误差。而不是使用户在没有完全理解检索算法和仪器属性的情况下使用户进行内容并过滤这些拼凑的每日地图,而是使用日常时间序列来改善特定日期测量的雪属性的估计。我们使用噪声滤波,雪/云歧视和插值和平滑的组合,以产生日常雪盖的最佳估计。我们将平滑SCA与TM SCA进行比较,精确为0.98,RMSE为0.06,但RMSE高达0.22,当我们比较MyD10A1和TM之间的结果时,FICISE为0.9。



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