首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering >Accessibility analysis of urban emergency shelters: Comparing gravity model and space syntax

Accessibility analysis of urban emergency shelters: Comparing gravity model and space syntax




Accessibility analysis of urban emergency shelters can help support urban disaster prevention planning. Traditional accessibility measure based on gravity model is considered as geographic accessibility. And the accessibility based on space syntax is considered as geometric accessibility. How these two accessibility measures work? Are there significant differences between the accessibility analysis results with these two methods? In this study, we attempt to measure the accessibility of emergency shelters within a certain walking time limit by using gravity model based on ARCGIS Network Analyst and space syntax. For geographic accessibility, we establish the OD cost matrix and calculate the accessibility indicators with gravity model. For geometric accessibility, the accessibility measure “integration” can be obtained through Axwoman 4.0. The accessibilities with these two methods are compared to investigate the similarity and difference. A case study has been implemented in Wuchang district, Wuhan city, China.
机译:城市应急避难所的可访问性分析可以帮助支持城市防灾规划。基于重力模型的传统可访问度量被认为是地理访问性。并且基于空间语法的可访问性被视为几何可访问性。这两种可访问性如何衡量工作?可访问性分析结果与这两种方法之间有显着差异吗?在这项研究中,我们试图利用基于ArcGIS网络分析师和空间语法的重力模型测量一定的步行时间限制内应急避难所的可访问性。对于地理辅助功能,我们建立了OD成本矩阵,并计算了重力模型的可访问性指标。对于几何辅助功能,可访问性度量“集成”可以通过axwoman 4.0获得。比较了这两种方法的可见性,以研究相似性和差异。中国武汉市武昌区实施了案例研究。



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