
Magnetized Water for Improve Sweep Efficiency




Mature oil and gas fields are difficult to rehabilitate effectively because of the economics and declining production. Many fields are abandoned prematurely when their life could be prolonged significantly through application of new technology. Based on this notion, mechanisms of petroleum recovery by magnetized water injection were taken into consideration. Advantages and disadvantages of its injection in the petroleum reservoirs have been reviewed and compared with water flooding. The magnetized water flooding result was remarkable when compared to ordinary water and saline water flooding result. During the course of the study, a mathematical model of the forces involved in magnetized water flooding was developed and the result of the model was validated in the laboratory experimentally. Based on the extensive studies it was observe that the laboratory result was in agreement with the mathematical model developed. From the result gotten, it is strongly convinced that the technique of using magnetized water to flood pressure depleted reservoirs hold promise in the future. If adequately applied can recover up to 45 – 60 percent of the total oil in place.
机译:由于经济学和产量下降,成熟的石油和天然气难以有效地恢复恢复。当通过应用新技术,当他们的生活显着延长时,许多领域就会被遗弃。基于这种观点,考虑了通过磁化注水的石油回收机制。在石油储层中注射注射的优点和缺点已被审查并与水洪水进行了综述。与普通水和盐水洪水结果相比,磁化水洪水结果显着。在研究过程中,开发了磁化水洪水中涉及的力的数学模型,实验室在实验室中验证了模型的结果。基于广泛的研究,观察到实验室结果与发达的数学模型一致。从得到的结果中,强烈相信将磁化水与洪水压力耗尽的技术在未来保持承诺。如果充分应用可以恢复高达45 - 60%的总油状物。



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