首页> 外文会议>Conference on Scanning Microscopy >Interlaboratory Comparison of Traceable Atomic Force Microscope Pitch Measurements

Interlaboratory Comparison of Traceable Atomic Force Microscope Pitch Measurements




The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Advanced Surface Microscopy (ASM), and the National Metrology Centre (NMC) of the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore have completed a three-way interlaboratory comparison of traceable pitch measurements using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The specimen being used for this comparison is provided by ASM and consists of SiO_2 lines having a 70 nm pitch patterned on a silicon substrate. NIST has a multifaceted program in atomic force microscope (AFM) dimensional metrology. One component of this effort is a custom in-house metrology AFM, called the calibrated AFM (C-AFM). The NIST C-AFM has displacement metrology for all three axes traceable to the 633 nm wavelength of the iodine-stabilized He-Ne laser — a recommended wavelength for realization of the SI (Systeme International d'Unites, or International System of Units) meter. NIST used the C-AFM to participate in this comparison. ASM used a commercially available AFM with an open-loop scanner, calibrated by a 144 nm pitch transfer standard. In a prior collaboration with Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the German national metrology institute, ASM's transfer standard was calibrated using PTB's traceable optical diffractometry instrument. Thus, ASM's measurements are also traceable to the SI meter. NMC/A*STAR used a large scanning range metrological atomic force microscope (LRM-AFM). The LRM-AFM integrates an AFM scanning head into a nano-stage equipped with three built-in He-Ne laser interferometers so that its measurement related to the motion on all three axes is directly traceable to the SI meter. The measurements for this interlaboratory comparison have been completed and the results are in agreement within their expanded uncertainties and at the level of a few parts in 104.
机译:国家标准技术研究所(NIST),高级表面显微镜(ASM)和新加坡科学,技术和研究(A * Star)的国家计量中心(NMC)已完成三通的合作性使用原子力显微镜(AFM)的可追踪间距测量的比较。用于该比较的样本由ASM提供,并且由具有在硅衬底上图案的70nm间距的SiO_2线组成。 NIST在原子力显微镜(AFM)尺寸计量中具有多方面的程序。这项努力的一个组成部分是一种定制内部计量机构AFM,称为校准AFM(C-AFM)。 NIST C-AFM具有可追踪碘稳定HE-NE激光的633nm波长的所有三个轴的位移计量 - 推荐波长,用于实现SI(Systee International D'Unites或International System系统)米。 NIST使用C-AFM参与此比较。 ASM使用具有开环扫描仪的市售AFM,由144nm张力传输标准校准。在与Psealikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt(PTB)的先前合作中,德国国家计量研究所,使用PTB可追踪光学衍射仪校准ASM的转移标准。因此,ASM的测量也可追溯到SI米。 NMC / A *星形使用大型扫描范围计量原子力显微镜(LRM-AFM)。 LRM-AFM将AFM扫描头集成到配备有三个内置HE-NE激光干涉仪的纳米级,使其与所有三个轴上的运动相关的测量直接可追溯到SI米。该互制互动比较的测量已经完成,结果在其扩展的不确定性内达成协议,并在104中的几个部分的水平。



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