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RMT and TEM Measurements on an Active Faultin Northern Greece




To improve the seismic wave propagation model it is vital to know about site effects, e.g. the geotectonic properties of the area such as the top-of-basement, vertical tectonic boundaries (faults and basement fracturation) and the geothermal regime. Therefore, we carried out near surface EM (Electromagnetic) studies to understand the distribution of the active faulting and the top of basement structure of this particular area. The RMT (Radiomagnetotelluric) and TEM (Transient electromagnetic) measurements were carried out on eight profiles, 440 RMT and 104 TEM soundings were realized. The inverted RMT and TEM data show generally a four layer model. The layers are indicated as metamorphic and sediment rocks, which are in detail: marly silty sand with gravel ( 100 Ωm), marly silty sand with clay (50 - 100 Ωm), sandy clay (30 – 50 Ωm) and silty sand (10 - 30 Ωm) with varying thickness. Due to the high resistivity of the top layer, the skin depths of the RMT soundings are around 35 m. The TEM data gives detail information of the lower structure down to a depth of 200 m. According to our analysis, a normal fault next to the Euroseistest could be located having a strike direction of N 60 E. The joint interpretation of RMT and TEM data proves to be an effective tool to investigate complex geology structures.
机译:为了提高地震波传播模型是至关重要的了解网站的效果,例如的区域的大地构造性能如顶级的地下室,垂直构造的边界(故障和地下室fracturation)和地热制度。因此,我们进行了近地表EM(电磁)研究,以了解活动断层的分布和该特定区域的地下结构的顶部。的RMT(Radiomagnetotelluric)和TEM(瞬变电磁)测量在八轮廓进行,440 RMT和104个TEM探测分别实现。反相RMT和TEM数据通常表现出的四层模型。这些层被表示为变质和沉积物的岩石,其详细:灰质粉砂与砾石( 100欧姆米),灰质粉砂与粘土(50 - 100欧姆米),砂质粘土(30 - 50欧姆米)和粉砂(10 - 30Ωm的)具有不同的厚度。由于顶层的高电阻率,该RMT探测的趋肤深度是大约35微米。的TEM数据给出了下部结构的详细信息至200μm的深度。根据我们的分析,旁边Euroseistest正断层可能位于具有N 60 E的走向方向RMT的联合解释和TEM数据证明是研究复杂地质结构的有效工具。



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