首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Uranium >ELKON - DEVELOPMENT OF NEW WORLD CLASS URANIUM MINING CENTER


机译:Elkon - 新世界铀矿区的发展



The uranium deposits of Elkon district are located in the south of Republic of Sakha Yakutia. Deposits contain about 6% of the world known uranium resources: 342 409 tonnes of in situ or 288 768 tonnes of recoverable RAR + Inferred resources. Most significant uranium resources of Elkon district (261 768 tonnes) were identified within five deposits of Yuzhnaya zone. The uranium grade averages 0.15 %. Gold, silver and molybdenum are by-products. Principal resources are proposed to be mined by conventional underground method. Location, shape and dimensions of uranium orebodies are primarily controlled by NW-SE oriented and steeply SW dipping faults of Mesozoic age and surrounding pyritecarbonate- potassium feldspar alteration zones. Country rocks are Archean gneisses. Deposits are of metasomatic geological type. Principal mineralization is represented by brannerite. The Yuzhnaya zone is about 20 km long. It was explored by underground workings and drill holes. Upper limit of orebodies is at a depth of between 200 m and 500 m. Depth persistence exceeds 2,000 m. Uranium mining enterprise Elkon was established in November 2007. It is a 100% Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) subsidiary. The planned producing capacity is up to 5000 Mt U/year. It will perform the entire works related to uranium mining, milling, ore sorting, processing and uranium dioxide production. Technology of ore processing assumes primary radiometric sorting, thickening, sulphide flotation for gold concentrate extraction, subsequent autoclave sulphuric-acid uranium leaching from flotation tails and uranium adsorption onto resin, roasting and heap leaching for uranium from low grade ores, cyanide leaching of gold. Due to a considerable abundance of brannerite, the ore is classified as refractory. Elkon development include 4 main stages: feasibility study and infrastructure development (2009-2011), mine and mill construction (2012- 2015), pilot production (2013-2015), mine development and achieving full capacity production (2016- 2024).
机译:Elkon District的铀矿位于萨哈湾共和国南部。存款含有约6%的世界已知的铀资源:342 409吨原位或288 768吨可收回的RAR +推断资源。榆树区的五个存款范围内确定了麋鹿区的大多数重要铀资源(261 768吨)。铀素平均为0.15%。黄金,银和钼是副产品。提出主要资源通过常规地下方法开采。铀矿体的位置,形状和尺寸主要受中生代时代的NW-SE定向和陡峭的SW浸渍故障,以及周围的吡啶碳酸盐 - 钾长石改变区。乡村岩石是archean外形。沉积物具有态化地质类型。主要矿化由Brannerite表示。 Yuzhnaya区长约20公里。它是由地下工作和钻孔探索的。矿体的上限处于200米和500米的深度。深度持久性超过2,000米。铀矿业企业埃尔库隆于2007年11月成立。它是100%的Atomredmetzoloto(ARMZ)子公司。计划的生产能力高达5000吨U /年。它将执行与铀矿,铣削,矿石分类,加工和二氧化铀生产相关的整个作品。矿石加工技术假设金浓缩物萃取的主要辐射分选,增稠,硫化物浮选,随后从浮选尾部浸出到树脂,铀浸出到低级矿石,氰化物浸出黄金中的铀浸出到树脂上的浸出和铀浸出。由于对Brannerite相当丰富,矿石被归类为耐火材料。 Elkon Development包括4个主要阶段:可行性研究和基础设施开发(2009-2011),矿山和磨机建设(2012-2015),飞行员生产(2013-2015),矿山开发和实现全部产能生产(2016-2024)。



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