
Frontal Zones in the Norwegian, Greenland,Barents and Bering Seas




The Arctic Ocean and Subarctic seas are important components of the globalclimate system and are the most sensitive regions to climate change. Physicalprocesses occurring in these regions influence regional and global circulation, heatand mass transfer through water exchange with the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.One of the overall objectives of Arctic and Subarctic oceanographic research is togain a better understanding of the mesoscale physical and biological processes inthe seas. This review is based on the book "Physical Oceanography of FrontalZones in the Subarctic Seas" by A.G. Kostianoy, J.C.J. Nihoul and V.B. Rodionovpublished in Elsevier in October 2004. The book presents the systematization anddescription of accumulated knowledge on oceanic fronts in the Norwegian,Greenland, Barents, and Bering seas. The work was based on numerous observ-ational data, collected by the authors during special sea experiments directed tothe investigation of physical processes and phenomena in areas of the North PolarFrontal Zone (NPFZ) and in the northern part of the Bering Sea, on archive data ofthe USSR Hydrometeocenter and other research institutions, as well as on a wideRussian and Western literature. The book contains general information on theoceanic fronts in the Subarctic seas, brief history of their investigation, state of thecurrent knowledge, as well as detailed description of the thermohaline structure ofall frontal zones in the Norwegian, Greenland, Barents, and Bering seas and ofneighboring fronts of Arctic and coastal origins.
机译:北冰洋和亚宫海洋是全球化境性系统的重要组成部分,是气候变化最敏感的地区。这些地区发生的物理过程影响区域和全球循环,通过与大西洋和太平洋的水交换热量转移。北极和亚地区海洋研究的总体目标是对海洋的迈空物理和生物过程更好地了解了更好的理解。本综述是基于A.G.KostiNoy,J.C.J.的“亚曲中海洋的额外额外海域的物理海洋学”书籍。 Nihoul和V.b. 2004年10月,罗迪奥维尔在elestvier。该书介绍了挪威,格陵兰,小理选和白云的海洋面前积累了累积知识的系统化。该工作基于众多观察到的数据,由作者在特殊的海洋实验期间收集,指导了北极地区(NPFZ)区域的物理过程和现象的调查,并在归档数据上Ussr HydrometeCenter和其他研究机构,以及较崇拜者和西方文学。这本书包含了theoceanic方面在亚北极海域ofneighboring方面的一般信息,其调查的简要历史,thecurrent知识状态,以及温盐结构ofall在挪威,格陵兰岛,巴伦支额叶区的详细说明,以及白令海和北极和沿海起源。



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