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Biometrics and ID Cards - Enablers for Personal Security

机译:生物识别和身份证 - 个人安全的推动者



The electronic ID card is a modernization and security project of the German Government. On the one hand, the multifunctional card is intended to boost security and the convenience of e-government and e-business applications. On the other hand, the new biometric ID card should allow citizens to use it as a travel document in the Schengen area and for specific destinations outside the European Union also in the future. Whereas the solutions found for the electronic passport may be used also for the new ID card's biometric function, the "Internet function", i.e. electronic authentication and signature, is a completely new challenge. An important feature of these technical innovations is that they can only fully develop their potential if citizens trust in them and use them in everyday life. Data protection and data security have therefore always been central issues when preparing the amended ID card act and technical specifications. The following paper explores the potential of the new ID card and discusses how its data can be appropriately protected. It focuses on technical, organizational and legal measures which ensure that citizens may actively exercise their right of privacy when using the authentication function.



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