首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mine Closure >Deep ripping after topsoil return affects root proliferation and floristic diversity in a restored biodiverse forest after bauxite mining

Deep ripping after topsoil return affects root proliferation and floristic diversity in a restored biodiverse forest after bauxite mining




This study aimed to determine whether deep ripping following the placement of overburden and topsoil materials significantly reduced in-situ soil strength, encouraged root penetration/proliferation and altered floristic diversity in a rehabilitated bauxite mine pit. Three plots located within an area that was deep-ripped after overburden and topsoil return were compared with three plots within the same mine pit that received the conventional pit floor ripping/topsoil scarification treatment. All plots were reseeded with > 150 plant species from the local biodiverse forest. Topsoil ripping produced no significant overall effect on soil strength because the materials in the pit were very friable and had low soil strength regardless of topsoil treatment. Root abundance generally correlated better with depth than with penetration resistance. There was interaction between soil depth and ripping treatment with respect to root abundance, indicating that the vegetation responded differently in terms of root proliferation to depth depending on whether the topsoil was deep-ripped. Roots were significantly more abundant in the top 10 cm of scarified profiles, but in those that received the topsoil ripping treatment, root abundances were significantly higher between 50 and 60 cm depth. This differential response was also highlighted by multivariate analysis of floristic data, which revealed that community composition and structure differed between topsoil ripping treatments. After 12 years, scarified plots had greater species richness, total abundance and plant density on average, but the vegetation was larger in topsoil-ripped plots. The benefits conferred by topsoil ripping appear to be highly dependent on the physical properties of the soil materials but may affect floristic diversity of the restored forest. From this the conclusion is there is a direct link between the physical treatment of soils and rehabilitation success.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定是否深抓取以下覆岩层和土壤表层材料显著减少现场土壤强度,鼓励根系穿透/增殖和改变植物多样性的恢复铝土矿矿井的位置。位于区域内的三个地块后覆盖层和表土回报是深撕开与接受常规坑地面翻录/表土划痕处理相同的矿坑内三幅地块进行了比较。所有地块用>从本地生物多样性的森林150种植物补种。表土翻录生产对土壤强度没有显著的整体效果,因为在坑的材料非常易碎且不论表土处理有低土壤强度。根丰一般相关深度优于同贯入阻力。有相对于​​根丰富的土壤深度和翻录治疗之间的相互作用,这表明植物根系增殖方面的反应不同深度取决于是否表土被深撕裂。根是在翻松轮廓的顶部10厘米显著更丰富,但在那些接受表土翻录处理,根丰度分别为50和60厘米深之间显著更高。此差异响应也被区系的数据,这表明,社区组成和结构不同表土翻录处理之间的多变量分析高亮显示。 12年后,划痕的地块有较大的物种丰富度,平均总丰度和种植密度,但植被在表土层,撕开地块较大。通过表土翻录赋予的好处似乎是高度依赖于土壤物质的物理性质,但可能会影响恢复的森林植物多样性。从这个结论是有土壤和康复成功的物理治疗之间的直接联系。



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