首页> 外文会议>World Asthma COPD Forum >Evolution of Infants' Acute Bronchiolitis with Wheezing in Breastfed and Formula Fed Infants and Nebulizer Therapy by Hypertonic Saline

Evolution of Infants' Acute Bronchiolitis with Wheezing in Breastfed and Formula Fed Infants and Nebulizer Therapy by Hypertonic Saline




Exclusive breastfeeding improves health condition more rapidly than in formula-fed babies and hospital stay day is lower in breastfed babies (p<0.01; p<0.05).The Duration of improvement of health condition of the group treated by 3% hypertonic saline and 0.9% normal saline is shorter (p<0,001).Acute bronchiolitis is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants. In 90% it is caused by respiratory syncitial virus (RSV). Association with bacteria and recurrent episodes are often till the age of 2 years.Atopic history and frequent acute bronchiolitis considered as risk factor for asthma. (1,2,3,4)Breastfeeding (BF) protective effect is due to passive transmission of antibodies from mother to baby. In practically healthy children law incidence of lower respiratory tract diseases and hospitalization rates is linked with exclusive BF during first 4 months (2,5,6,7).It decreases necessity of using and duration of antibacterial therapy and has reciprocal relationship with otitis and pneumonia.
机译:独家母乳喂养比在母乳喂养的婴儿中更快地提高健康状况,母乳喂养婴儿的医院停留日较低(P <0.01; P <0.05)。由3%高渗盐水处理的组健康状况的改善持续时间和0.9 %正常盐水较短(p <0.001)。utute支气管炎是婴儿中呼吸道感染的最常见原因。 90%以呼吸横向病毒(RSV)引起。与细菌和复发性发作的关联通常直到2年龄。atopic历史和频繁的急性支气管炎被认为是哮喘的危险因素。 (1,2,3,4)母乳喂养(BF)保护效果是由于母亲与婴儿的抗体被动传播。在实际上健康的儿童中,患有低呼吸道疾病和住院费率的发病率与前4个月(2,5,6,7)中的独家BF联系在一起,降低了使用和持续抗菌治疗的必要性,与中耳炎的互核关系有互惠关系肺炎。



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