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A general fully automated deep-learning method to detect cardiomegaly in chest x-rays




Cardiomegaly is a medical condition that leads to an increase in cardiac size. It can be manually assessed using the cardiothoracic ratio from chest x-rays (CXRs). However, as that task can be challenging in such limited examinations, we propose the fully automated cardiomegaly detection in CXR. For this, we first trained convolu-tional networks (ConvNets) to classify the CXR as positive or negative to cardiomegaly and then evaluated the generalization potential of the trained ConvNets on independent cohorts. This work used frontal CXR images from a public dataset for training/testing and another public and one private dataset to test the models' generalization externally. Training and testing were performed using images cropped with a previously developed U-Net model. Experiments were performed with five topologically different ConvNets. data augmentation techniques, and a 50-50 class-weighing strategy to improve performance and reduce the possibility of bias to the majority class. The receiver operating characteristic curve assessed the performance of the models. DenseNet yielded the highest area under the curve (AUC) on testing (0.818) and external validation (0.809) datasets. Moreover, DenseNet obtained the highest sensitivity overall, yielding up to 0.971 on the private dataset with patients from our hospital. Therefore, DenseNet had a statistically higher potential to identify cardiomegaly. The proposed models, especially those trained with DenseNet convolutional core, automatically detected cardiomegaly with high sensitivity. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first work to design a novel general model for classifying specific deep-learning patterns of cardiomegaly in CXRs.
机译:CardiomeGaly是一种医疗状况,导致心脏尺寸增加。可以使用来自胸部X射线(CXR)的心肌比例来手动评估。然而,由于该任务可能在如此有限的考试中具有挑战性,因此我们提出了CXR中全自动的心脏肿瘤。为此,我们首先培训了卷曲网络(ConverNets),将CXR分类为正面或负面的CardiMeGaly,然后评估培训的Convnets上的独立队列的泛化潜力。这项工作使用了来自公共数据集的正面CXR图像用于培训/测试和另一个公共和一个私有数据集,以在外部测试模型的泛化。使用具有先前开发的U-Net模型的图像进行训练和测试。用五种拓扑不同的呼声进行进行实验。数据增强技术,以及50-50级称重策略,提高性能,减少了大多数类的偏见的可能性。接收器操作特征曲线评估了模型的性能。 DENSENET在测试(0.818)和外部验证(0.809)数据集的曲线下产生最高面积(AUC)。此外,DENSENET获得了总体上的最高灵敏度,私人数据集中高达0.971,来自我们医院的患者。因此,DENSENET具有统计上较高的潜力,可识别心脏肿大。拟议的模型,特别是那些用Densenet卷积核训练的模型,自动检测到具有高灵敏度的心脏肿大。据我们所知,这是第一个设计一种为分类CXRS分类CardiomeGaly的特定深学习模式的新一般模型的工作。



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