
Distributed Optical Fiber Systems for Structural Health Monitoring




The physical and mathematical principles of distributed optoelectronic measuring systems (MS) and networks for structural health monitoring are developed. There is developed a complete set of a theoretical and experimental data allowing designing a point and distributed phase optical fiber sensors (OFS) on the base of single-fiber multimode interferometers (SFMI) and Fabri—Perot fiber interferometers (FPFI). The principles of integrated measurements by the distributed and extended OFS and are investigated. There is developed the optimal topologies of tomography measuring networks and worked out the recommendations for type of sensitivity of used extended OFS which provide optimum conditions for the measuring data acquisition and for the reconstruction of distribution of controllable objects parameters. There are developed algebraic and neural network algorithms allowing to solve the reconstruction problem for various types of physical fields (PF) inside objects under monitoring, in conditions of measuring data incompleteness and in real time. The basic problems appearing at the distributed optoelectronic measuring networks and system’s parameters perfection and their large-scale practical application are determined.



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