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Determination Of Radon Concentration In Water Using RAD7 With RAD H_2O Accessories




In the last decade, the radon issue has become one of the major problems of radiation protection. Radon exposure occurs when using water for showering, washing dishes, cooking and drinking water. RAD7 and Rad H20 accessories were used in order to measure radon concentration in water sample. In this study,four types of water were concerns which are reverse osmosis (drinking water), mineral water, tap water and well water. Reverse osmosis (drinking water) and mineral water were bought from the nearest supermarket while tap water and well water were taken from selected areas of Pulau Pinang and Kedah. Total 20 samples were taken with 5 samples for each type of water. The measured radon concentration ranged from 2.9±2.9 to 79.5±17 pCi/L, 2.9±2.9 to 67.8± 16 pCi/L, 15.97±7 to 144.25±24 pCi/L and 374.89±37 to 6409.03±130 pCi/L in reverse osmosis (drinking water), mineral water, tap water and well water. Well water has the highest radon compared to others. It was due to their geological element such as granite. Results for all types of water are presented and compared with maximum contamination limit (MCL) recommended by United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) which is 300pCi/L. Reverse osmosis water, mineral water and tap water were fall below MCL. However, well water was exceeded maximum level that was recommended. Thus, these findings were suggested that an action should be taken to reduce radon concentration level in well water as well as reduce a health risk towards the public.
机译:在过去的十年中,氡问题已成为辐射保护的主要问题之一。在使用水粉,洗涤餐具,烹饪和饮用水时会发生氡暴露。使用RAD7和RAD H20附件以测量水样中的氡浓度。在本研究中,四种类型的水是令人担忧的,这是反渗透(饮用水),矿泉水,自来水和井水。从最近的超市购买了反渗透(饮用水)和矿泉水,而自来水和井水取自Pulau Pinang和Kedah的选定区域。为每种水的5个样品拍摄总共20个样品。测量的氡浓度范围为2.9±2.9至79.5±17 pci / l,2.9±2.9至67.8±16 pci / l,15.97±7至144.25±24 pci / l和374.89±37至6409.03±130 pci / l反渗透(饮用水),矿泉水,自来水和井水。与他人相比,水的水有最高的氡。它是由于它们的地质元素如花岗岩。所有类型的水的结果都呈现并与美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的最大污染限制(MCL)进行了300pci / l。反渗透水,矿泉水和自来水均落在MCL以下。然而,良好的水被超过推荐的最高水平。因此,有人提出了这些发现,应采取行动减少水中氡浓度水平,并降低对公众的健康风险。



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