首页> 外文会议>National Physics Conference >An Analytical Solution Of The Time-Independent Schr?dinger Equation For The Woods-Saxon Potential For Arbitrary Angular Momentum l States

An Analytical Solution Of The Time-Independent Schr?dinger Equation For The Woods-Saxon Potential For Arbitrary Angular Momentum l States

机译:关于时间 - 撒克逊潜力的独立时间的分析解决方案,用于任意角度势态L状态



The Woods-Saxon potential is probably the most studied and widely used short range potential in all of nuclear physics. For the angular momentum l= 0 case, Flügge had devised a method to obtain an analytical expression for the bound state energies of the radial time-independent Schr?dinger equation for a neutron confined in a Woods-Saxon potential well. In this study, we extend Flügge's method to solve the radial Schr?dinger equation for a neutron within the Woods-Saxon potential and the centrifugal potential for arbitrary values of I. Here, the Pekeris method is used to deal with the centrifugal term. We obtain an analytical expression for the bound states, valid for arbitrary angular momentum, and show that our expression reduces to that of Flügge, which applies to the l= 0 case. The numerical computations performed also show very good agreement with our analytical expression.
机译:树木撒克逊潜力可能是所有核物理学中最受研究和广泛使用的短程潜力。对于角动量L = 0案例,Flügge设计了一种方法,以获得用于径向时间独立的SCHR的结合状态能量的分析表达式的方法,用于中子的凹陷方程被限制在树木撒克逊潜在井中。在这项研究中,我们扩展了Flügge的方法来解决径向SCHR?在树木 - 撒克逊潜力内的中子和中子内的中子的探针方程和I的离心电位。在这里,Pekeris方法用于处理离心术语。我们获得了绑定状态的分析表达式,有效的任意角动量,并表明我们的表达减少了vlügge的表达,这适用于L = 0案例。执行的数值计算也与我们的分析表达表现出非常好的协议。



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