
Wandering 'Performance Holes' in GNSS - (PPT)

机译:在GNSS中徘徊“性能孔” - (PPT)



The work presented here is a "spin off" of two recent projects where Thales ATM provided contributions. These projects are GIANT and GalTeC. A very fruitful e-mail discussion with Curtis Shively (MITRE) started who provided particular explanation on his simulations done for RTCA DO-245/245A and who in addition to that provided further data to support the comparison of results. Following considerations in Steven Rowson's (former Thales) publications on GPS-30 constellation for GBAS, a helpful e-mail exchange with Michael C. Moreau (NASA) started on possible future constellation changes in GPS that might affect the performance of GBAS in "GPS only mode" as well as in case of the use of combined constellations. With respect to RAAN drifts and changes in the relative alignment of Galileo with GPS an e-mail conversation with ESA's Daniel Navarro-Reyes was of great help, pointing out that ESA's "house keeping strategy for Galileo" is different from the approach presented by Ricardo Piriz 2005 in [9].
机译:这里提出的工作是最近的两个项目的“旋转”,其中Thales ATM提供了贡献。这些项目是巨人和Galtec。与Curtis Sechrive(斜切)的一份非常丰硕的电子邮件讨论启动了他们对RTCA Do-245 / 245A的模拟提供了特殊的解释,以及除此之外还提供了进一步的数据以支持结果的比较。在史蒂文Rowson(前塔尔斯)关于GBA的GPS-30星座的出版物中,与Michael C. Moreau(NASA)有用的电子邮件交换开始于可能会影响GBA在“GPS”中可能影响GBA的表现的可能会发生变化只有模式“以及在使用组合星座的情况下。关于RAAN漂移和伽利略与GPS相对对齐的变化与GPS与ESA的Daniel Navarro-Reyes有很大的帮助,指出ESA的“Galileo House Leveling Starment”与Ricardo呈现的方法不同Piriz 2005在[9]中。



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