
The Spektr-RG X-ray Calorimeter

机译:SPEKTR-RG X射线量热计



Spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy with high spectral resolution allows the study of astrophysical processes in extended sources with unprecedented sensitivity. This includes the measurement of abundances, temperatures, densities, ionisation stages as well as turbulence and velocity structures in these sources. An X-ray calorimeter is planned for the Russian mission Spektr Rontgen-Gamma (SRG), to be launched in 2011. During the first half year (pointed phase) it will study the dynamics and composition of of the hot gas in massive clusters of galaxies and in supernova remnants (SNR). During the survey phase it will produce the first all sky maps of line-rich spectra of the interstellar medium (ISM). Spectral analysis will be feasible for typically every 5° x 5° region on the sky. Considering the very short time-scale for the development of this instrument it consists of a combination of well developed systems. For the optics an extra eROSITA mirror, also part of the Spektr-RG payload, will be used. The detector will be based on spare parts of the detector flown on Suzaku combined with a rebuild of the electronics and the cooler will be based on the design for the Japanese mission NeXT. In this paper we will present the science and give an overview of the instrument.
机译:具有高光谱分辨率的空间分辨X射线光谱允许在延长来源中研究天体物理过程,具有前所未有的敏感性。这包括测量丰富,温度,密度,电离阶段以及这些来源中的湍流和速度结构。计划于2011年推出俄罗斯Mission Spektr Rontgen-Gamma(SRG)的X射线量热计。在上半年(指出阶段),它将研究大规模集群中热气体的动态和组成星系和超新星残余(SNR)。在调查阶段期间,它将产生第一个富际星际介质的线路光谱(ISM)的所有天空地图。光谱分析将在天空上每5°x 5°区域是可行的。考虑到这种仪器开发的非常短的时间范围,它包括良好开发系统的组合。对于光学元件,将使用额外的erosita镜像,也将使用Spektr-RG有效载荷的一部分。探测器将基于苏崎上飞行的探测器的备件结合电子设备的重建,并且冷却器将基于下一个日本任务的设计。在本文中,我们将介绍科学并概述仪器。


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