
NeXT SXI Data Processing System




The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) is the X-ray CCD detector system on board the NeXT mission that is to be launched around 2013. The system consists of a camera, an SXI-specific data processing unit (SXI-E) and a CPU unit commonly used throughout the NeXT satellite. All the analog signal handling is restricted within the camera unit, and all the I/O of the unit are digital. The camera unit and SXI-E are connected by multiple LVDS lines, and SXI-E and the CPU unit will be connected by a SpaceWire (SpW) network. The network can connect SXI-E to multiple CPU units (the formal SXI CPU and neighbors) and all the CPU units in the network have connections to multiple neighbors: with this configuration, the SXI system can work even in the case that one SpW connection or the formal SXI CPU is down. The main tasks of SXI-E are to generate the CCD driving pattern, the acquisition of the image data stream and HK data supplied by the camera and transfer them to the CPU unit with the Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP) over SpW. In addition to them, SXI-E also detects the pixels whose values are higher than the event threshold and both adjacent pixels in the same line, and send their coordinates to the CPU unit. The CPU unit can reduce its load significantly with this information because it gets rid of the necessity to scan whole the image to detect X-ray events.
机译:的软X射线成像仪(SXI)是上板的透视CCD检测器系统中的下一任务是2013年左右被发射的系统包括一个摄像头,专用SXI一个数据处理单元(SXI-E)和的CPU单元在整个下一个卫星常用。所有的模拟信号处理是相机单元内的限制,并且单元的所有的I / O是数字的。摄像单元和SXI-E是由多个LVDS线连接,并且SXI-E和CPU单元将由的SpaceWire(SPW)网络连接。该网络可以SXI-E连接到多个CPU单元(正式SXI CPU和邻居),网络中所有的CPU单元具有多个邻居连接:使用此配置,SXI系统甚至可以在案件的工作,一个SPW连接或正式SXI CPU已关闭。 SXI-E的主要任务是产生CCD驱动模式,取得图像数据流的和由照相机提供的HK数据,并将它们与远程存储器访问协议(RMAP)超过SPW传送到CPU单元。除了它们之外,SXI-E还可以检测其值大于阈值的事件和在同一行中两个相邻的像素像素越高,并发送它们的坐标到CPU单元。 CPU单元可以使用此信息显著降低其负载,因为它摆脱了必要的扫描整个图像来检测X射线事件。


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