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Why Space Research and Space Exploration?:NASA Ames Research Center ContributionsTo NASA's 50 Years




Why explore? Among the many reasons, we explore because it fuels a useful scientific and technological foundation that enables a flourishing economy. Taking humans to the edge of their known world both requires new technology, and returns radical new insights into the world. Without exploration, science and engineering became routine and uninteresting. In this paper we will explore how the NASA Ames Research Center, which is nearly 70 years old, has contributed scientific and engineering expertise to the exploration missions at the heart of NASA over its 50 year history. We will cover Ames's work on the manned space programs, the Space Shuttle, aeronautics, lunar science, planetary exploration, Mars, and the prospects of life in the universe. We end with a cautionary tale of economic decline should exploration stop.
机译:为什么探索?在很多原因中,我们探索,因为它燃烧了一个有用的科学和技术基础,可以实现繁荣的经济。将人类带到他们所知道的世界的边缘,都需要新技术,并将激进的新洞察力恢复到世界上。没有探索,科学和工程成为常规和不感兴趣的。在本文中,我们将探讨NASA AMES研究中心,近70岁,在美国宇航局中心的50年历史上为NASA核心的勘探任务提供了促进科学和工程专业知识。我们将介绍AMES在载人空间计划,航天飞机,航空,农历,行星探索,火星和宇宙中的前景的工作。我们应该以警示的经济衰退结束,应该探索停止。



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