
Dissolved organic carbon removal by biological treatment




Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is problematic in water recycling or wastewater disposal when it provides precursors for disinfection by-product formation or when it provides a carbon/energy source for microorganisms and biofilms in receiving waters and in distribution systems. Biologically stable water protects receiving waters and recycled water systems. This paper provides initial findings of a research project into optimising DOC removal from water by biological treatment in order to improve its quality and protect public and environmental health. Biological treatment achieves this goal while minimising highly technological and energy intensive processes. The effects of chemical pretreatment, dissolved oxygen, filtration media choice, pre-oxidation and flow rate are reported. Initial results demonstrate that low flow rate biologically active carbon (BAC) filtration can exhibit biological degradation processes with much higher DOC removal than typically observed in conventional BAC filtration. Results also indicate that the high level of biological activity observed requires aeration to meet oxygen demand and that ozonation improves DOC removal but is not essential for high rate removal. Characterisation of the DOC components removed has been conducted and has identified and quantified the organic compound fractions removed by the biological processes. BAC filtration has the potential to achieve high levels of DOC removal with low energy consumption
机译:溶解的有机碳(DOC)在水循环或废水处理中存在问题,当它提供消毒副产物的前体或当它为在接收水域和分配系统中提供微生物和生物膜的碳/能量来源时。生物稳定的水保护接收水域和再生水系统。本文提供了研究项目的初步调查结果,以通过生物理处理优化从水中的DOC去除,以提高其质量,保护公共和环境健康。生物处理实现了这一目标,同时最大限度地减少了高技术和能源密集型过程。报道了化学预处理,溶解氧,过滤介质选择,预氧化和流速的影响。初始结果表明,低流速生物活性炭(BAC)过滤可以表现出比在常规BAC过滤中通常观察到的更高的DOC去除的生物降解过程。结果还表明,观察到的高水平的生物活性需要曝气以满足氧需求,并且臭氧化改善了DOC去除,但对于高速率去除并不重要。已经进行了除去的DOC组分的表征,并已经确定并定量了通过生物方法除去的有机化合物级分。 BAC过滤有可能实现高含量的DOC去除,低能量消耗



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