首页> 外文会议>SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference >New Seismic Base Reservoir Characterization (SBRC) Geomechanical Model Based on Mogi Empirical Rock Failure Relationship

New Seismic Base Reservoir Characterization (SBRC) Geomechanical Model Based on Mogi Empirical Rock Failure Relationship




The objective of this paper is to develop a seismic based reservoir characterization (SBRC) geomechanical model using a non-linear relationship between the maximum and minimum principal stress and taking into account the intermediate principal stress. The proposed geomechanical model is constructed based on Mogi's (1967) empirical rock failure relationship. This allows introducing for the first time in the SBRC the intermediate principal stress. In order to do it, in-situ stress variations as a function of depth are used to match failure stresses for five groups of rock failure experiments that have different values of least principal stress. Next the relationship is integrated with the diffusivity equation for estimating large-scale permeability. German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB) data are used to test the validity of the new SBRC model. Two 'hydraulic fracturing' depths (9100 and 6360m) in the KTB site are used to demonstrate the methodology. Minimum permeabilities are calculated with the new SBRC to be 2.9 X 10~(-20) m~2 at 6360 m and 3.1 X 10~(-20) m~2 at 9100 m. Maximum permeabilities are 2.3X10~16 m2 at 6360 m and 2.9 X 10~(-16) m2 at 9100m. Thus the maximum permeability is approximately 4 orders of magnitude larger compared with the minimum permeability (1 m~2 = 1.013E15 md). Novelties of the approach can be summarized as follows: (1) the use of Mogi's (1969) empirical rock failure relationship for integrating intermediate principal stress into the SBRC geomechanical model (this cannot be done when using for example the Mohr-Coulomb rock failure criterion), (2) using a nonlinear relationship between the maximum and minimum principal stress and (3) calculating large-scale permeability.
机译:本文的目的是使用最大和最小主应力之间的非线性关系,并考虑到在中间主应力开发一种基于地震油藏描述(SBRC)地质力学模型。所提出的地质力学模型是基于茂木(1967)的实证岩石破裂的关系构建。这允许引入在SBRC第一次中间主应力。为了做到这一点,在原位应力的变化作为深度的函数的用于匹配失败应力为五组岩石破裂实验具有至少主应力的不同的值。接下来的关系集成有用于估计大规模渗透性的扩散方程。德国大陆深钻计划(KTB)数据被用来测试新SBRC模型的有效性。两个“水力压裂”在KTB网站深度(9100和6360米)用于演示的方法。最小渗透率与新计算出的SBRC为2.9×10〜(-20)米〜2在6360米和3.1×10〜(-20)米〜2 9100米,最多渗透率2.3×10〜16平方米在6360米和2.9×10〜(-16)中的9100米平方米。因此,最大相对导磁率是(1米〜2 = 1.013E15 MD)。大小较大的大约4个数量具有最小的渗透性相比该方法的新奇可以概括如下:(1)使用非线性关系使用茂木(1969)的经验岩石破坏关系对于中间主应力纳入SBRC地质力学模型(使用例如莫尔 - 库仑岩石破坏准则时这不能完成),(2)计算大规模渗透性最大和最小主应力和(3)之间。



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