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Application of the Orthogonal Design Method in Studies of Ignition Powder for Thermite




In this paper, the author used Al, Mg, KNO3 and S produced a new type of high-energy ignition powder to ignite the thermite. The method of orthogonal design has been used to optimize the formulations. In this way, 16 different prescriptions were given. By computer simulation, the energy parameters of all igniter compositions' were figured out. And the igniting effective of the selected powder was tested in the end. From the results, we can see the new powder can ignite the thermite reliably. And the method of orthogonal design applied in ignition powder formulation selection is feasible.
机译:本文使用Al,Mg,KNO3和S产生了一种新型的高能量点火粉,以点燃热力。 正交设计的方法已被用于优化配方。 以这种方式,给出了16种不同的处方。 通过计算机模拟,朝外所有点火器组合物的能量参数。 并且在最后测试所选粉末的点燃有效。 从结果中,我们可以看到新的粉末可以可靠地点燃热量。 并且在点火粉末配方选择中应用的正交设计方法是可行的。



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