首页> 外文会议>Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy >A Supply Side Policy for U.S. Technological Innovation in Energy

A Supply Side Policy for U.S. Technological Innovation in Energy




The environmental and geopolitical costs of America's addiction to fossil fuels make a major federal program to stimulate innovation in energy technology justifiable and essential. Given the central role of energy in the economy and the variety of new technologies needed, this program will need to approach the dimensions of a major military transformational effort. It must go beyond research and development to include all aspects of the innovation process, and should be technology neutral as far as possible, consistent with the need for measures to overcome obstacles specific to particular technologies. Ideally, such a technology supply-side program should be accompanied by policies that ensure a long-term, sustained increase in the price of carbon-based energy, for example a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system, to foster technology demand. However, given the vested interests threatened by such measures, political support for such demand-side policies in Congress and the executive branch seems some years away. The political barriers to a technology supply-side strategy, on the other hand, are not as high. Given the depth of the need for new energy technology, a supply side program will be needed even if such measures are adopted. Numerous authoritative publications have called for an expansion of energy research and development as a complement to demand-side measures [1]-[4]. However, the specific mechanisms by which the development, deployment and diffusion of these technologies might be facilitated by government action have been left largely unstudied. There is no reason to wait years for an accompanying demand-side strategy; the two approaches do not have to commence in parallel, and progress could be made now on technology supply. We therefore propose a program to create incentives for, and to remove obstacles to, energy innovation.
机译:美国成瘾对化石燃料的环境和地缘政治成本使得一个主要的联邦计划刺激能源技术的创新就是合理的。鉴于能源在经济中的核心作用和所需的各种新技术,该计划将需要接近重大军事转型努力的维度。它必须超越研发,包括创新过程的各个方面,并且应尽可能成为技术中立,符合需要措施克服特定技术的障碍。理想情况下,这种技术供应方计划应伴随着确保长期,碳税或蓄能系统价格的长期持续增加的政策,以促进技术需求。但是,鉴于采取措施威胁的既得利益,政治支持国会此类需求方政策和行政部门似乎有多年。另一方面,技术供应方策略的政治壁垒并不高。鉴于新能源技术的需要深度,即使采用此类措施,也需要提供供应侧划。许多权威的出版物呼吁扩大能源研究和发展作为需求方措施的补充[1] - [4]。然而,通过政府行动促进了这些技术的开发,部署和扩散的具体机制已经留下了很大程度上是不孤立的。没有理由等待伴随的需求方策略;这两种方法不必并行开始,现在可以进行技术供应。因此,我们提出了一个计划为创造激励措施,并消除能源创新的障碍。



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