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KLIMOP: Towards an easy exchange of underground utility network data




The Flemish government stimulates and supports innovation trough the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT). Amongst others, IWT grants financial support to companies and research institutes who apply for projects in strategic basic research, collective research and technology transfer. Definition of the problem: Each year thousands of accidents occur while carrying out digging work in public road areas, causing damages to the utility networks. This not only results in high direct and indirect costs, but often leads to life threatening situations. These observations were the starting point for KAHO Sint Lieven and Hogeschool Gent to join forces and form a consortium in taking on the problems caused by the lack of an accurate inventory of the underground utility lines such as electricity, gas, water, telecommunication …, the lack of exchange standards for data formats between utility owners and construction companies, outdated cartography, incorrect as-built plans and so one. The solutions to these problems are multidisciplinary and are to be found in the field of IT, cartography, GIS, CAD and specialized land surveying techniques. The paper will explain how the project (KLIMOP) intends to tackle some of the problems and in what way this will contribute to an easy exchange of underground utility network data and thus to a safer environment. In doing so, we not only use our own specific competences, but we can rely on the expertise of several private companies and governmental organisations active in different segments of the problem area. One of the key-partners in this project is AGIV (Agency for Geographical Information Flanders). The main goal of AGIV is to optimize the use of geographical information in Flanders. It is essential for the success of KLIMOP that its results are compatible with AGIVprojects such as GRB (large scale reference database) and KLIP (cable and pipeline information portal). The project is financed by IWT (92.5%) and by private companies (7.5%) who will function as sponsors and user group.
机译:佛兰芒政府刺激和支持创新促进佛兰德斯科技创新研究所(IWT)。在其他人中,IWT向申请战略基础研究,集体研究和技术转让的项目的公司和研究机构提供财政支持。问题的定义:每年发生成千上万的事故,同时在公共道路领域开展挖掘工作,对公用事业网络造成损害。这不仅导致高直接和间接成本,而且往往导致生命威胁情况。这些观察是Kaho Sint Lieven和Hogeschool Gent加入武力的起点,并在承担缺乏电力,天然气,水,电信等地下公用事业线路缺乏准确库存造成的问题时形成联盟。缺乏公用事业所有者和建筑公司之间的数据格式的交换标准,过时的制图,建造不正确的计划等等。这些问题的解决方案是多学科的,将在其领域找到,制图,GIS,CAD和专业土地测量技术。本文将解释该项目(KLIMOP)打算如何解决的一些问题和采取何种方式,这将有助于地下公用设施的网络数据交换方便,从而建立一个更安全的环境。在这样做时,我们不仅使用我们自己的特定能力,而且我们可以依靠在问题地区的不同细分市场中积极的几家私营公司和政府组织的专业知识。该项目中的其中一个关键伙伴是Agiv(地理信息法兰德斯的代理)。 AGV的主要目标是优化在佛兰德斯中的地理信息的使用。对于Klimop的成功至关重要,即其结果与AGVProjects兼容,例如GRB(大规模参考数据库)和KLIP(电缆和管道信息门户)。该项目由IWT(92.5%)和私营公司提供资金(7.5%),他们将作为赞助商和用户组起作用。



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