
Cosmology, Holography, the Brain and the Quantum Vacuum




Cosmology, as a science, started at the beginning of the last century with the advent of the Einstein cosmological equations. Based on these equations, the present main stream cosmological model is the well known big-bang (this name unwillingly coined by Fred Hoyle many years ago). Relatively recent additions to this model have been inflation, dark matter and dark energy. This talk presents a smoothly behaved new cosmological model that mainly takes into account the "dark" part of the Universe. We consider it as the background frame, the substrate, of what we see. The inclusion of the holographic principle clarifies the entropy problem that we also apply to the human brain. We take it as an engineering information center. Finally, the inclusion of the quantum vacuum in this scene creates an important challenge, an opportunity for future research in the knowledge of the Universe.
机译:作为一种科学的宇宙学,在上个世纪初开始,随着爱因斯坦宇宙学方程的出现。基于这些方程,目前的主要流宇宙学模型是众所周知的大爆炸(多年前由Fred Hoyle不情感创造的这个名字)。相对最近的这种模型的补充是通货膨胀,暗物质和黑能。这次谈判表现得很顺利表现新的宇宙学模型,主要考虑到宇宙的“黑暗”部分。我们认为它是背景框架,基板,我们所看到的。纳入全息原则澄清了我们也适用于人脑的熵问题。我们将其作为工程信息中心。最后,在这一现场中包含量子真空创造了一个重​​要的挑战,这是一个宇宙知识中未来研究的机会。



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