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Towards a comprehensive methodology for Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE): A hot dry climate case study




Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is a platform developed in recent years to allow the systematic study of buildings once occupied, so that lessons may be learnt that will improve future design. The tools employed in POE include plan analysis, monitoring of Indoor Environment and Air Quality (IEQ, IAQ) and thermal performance, and surveys including walk-through, observations, and user satisfaction questionnaires. POE researchers are often regarded with suspicion and even hostility, since their work may cause friction between different stakeholders and between these and the authorities. This paper reviews a rare case of cooperation among the different stakeholders in a complex - The Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies Scientist Village - which includes different accommodation and facilities, located in the heart of the Negev Desert Highlands in Israel. The first part presents a lateral monitoring period aimed at gaining a better understanding of the overall performance of the project, and a subsequent series of user surveys, observations and questionnaires, focusing on potential discrepancies between the need to ensure thermal comfort by passive means and privacy issues. A second series of measurements was undertaken subsequently focusing on the in-depth monitoring of one family unit representing the more complex type of units and covering an eight-month period. That was done as part of a post-doctoral residency focusing on environmental and building physics.
机译:占用率评估(PoE)是近年来开发的平台,以允许建筑物曾经占用的系统研究,以便可以学习课程,这将改善未来的设计。 PoE中使用的工具包括计划分析,监测室内环境和空气质量(IEQ,IAQ)和热性能,以及包括步行,观察和用户满意问卷的调查。 PoE研究人员经常被认为是怀疑甚至敌意,因为他们的工作可能会导致不同利益攸关方和这些和当局之间的摩擦。本文审查了一个罕见的案例,在一个复杂的不同利益攸关方之间进行了合作 - Albert Katz International Schooly Scient博物馆村 - 包括不同的住宿和设施,位于以色列的Negev Desert Highlands的中心地带。第一部分提出了一个横向监测期,旨在更好地了解项目的整体性能,以及随后的一系列用户调查,观察和调查问卷,重点是需要通过被动手段和隐私的热舒适性之间的潜在差异。问题。随后对一个家庭单位的深入监测进行了第二系列测量,该家庭单元的深入监测代表更复杂的单位,并覆盖八个月的时间。这是作为专注于环境和建筑物理的博士后居住权的一部分。



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