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Multifunctional benefits of an agri-environment scheme option:Riparian buffer strip pools within 'Arable Reversion

机译:Agri-Environgile方案的多功能效益选项:'Atable Refersion内的河岸缓冲区池



Riparian set-aside land at Loddington, Leicestershire, was developed to meetmultiple environmental objectives through the 'Arable Reversion' option of theCountryside Stewardship Scheme. Ditches were diverted and field drains broken intosmall pools within the buffer strip to reduce soil and nutrient transport to a streamand create wildlife habitat for birds and invertebrates. The concentration ofphosphorus (the main contributor to eutrophication in freshwater) in pools was abouthalf that in the supplying field drain or ditch. The pools supported amphibians and24-52 species of aquatic macro-invertebrates, including six nationally scarceColeoptera. Fifteen species of Odonata were recorded. Terrestrial invertebratesincluded five Orthoptera species previously absent from the site. Whitethroat andreed bunting numbers increased and the habitat was used by lapwing and yellowwagtail in summer and by mallard and snipe in winter. If adopted more widely, thisapproach would contribute to improved chemical and ecological status ofwatercourses and to government conservation targets.
机译:Lodtington,Lodtington,Lodtington,Lodtington,通过TheCountryside管理计划的“Atable Refrysion”选项开发了Loddington的Loddington的土地。 Ditches被转移,野外排出缓冲条内的Intosmall游泳池,以减少土壤和养分运输,以防止鸟类和无脊椎动物的野生动物栖息地。在池中的磷浓度(淡水中富营养化的主要原因)在供应场排水管或沟渠中是大约的。游泳池支持两栖动物和24-52种水生宏观无脊椎动物,其中包括六个国家疤痕。记录了十五种Odonata。陆地无脊椎动物被留下的五种以前从现场缺席。 Whitethroat andreed Bunting Numbers升高,栖息地在夏季和冬季野鸭和狙击手使用兰佩和黄色。如果更广泛地采用,这将有助于改善水下的化学和生态状态以及政府保护目标。



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