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Part 3 Increasing Global Renewable Energy Market Share: Recent Trends and Perspective




Globally, energy consumption is growing at a rapid rate. The World Energy Outlook predicts that in the next 25 years, energy consumption will increase by 60 % with the bulk of this growth to occur in developing countries. Under a business as usual scenario, fossil fuels will continue to dominate the energy mix, with enormous environmental, health, economic, and energy security consequences. The share of renewable energy, though growing in absolute terms, will remain largely unchanged (14%, of which the bulk today is traditional biomass and hydropower). Further, despite these growth rates, 1.4 billion people will be without electricity in 2030 and a comparable amount will continue to rely on traditional biomass for heating and cooking needs. Clearly, this is an unsustainable path for the world to follow, particularly given rising fossil fuels prices that are projected to remain high into this decade and beyond. On November 7-8, 2005, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the People's Republic of China organized the Beijing International Renewable Energy Conference 2005 (BIREC 2005). This meeting brought together the international community around the shared goal of global renewable energy development, with a particular emphasis on developing countries. BIREC 2005 reviewed the status of renewable energy and its contribution to economic development and poverty reduction; shared success stories and lessons learned from renewable energy deployment; and explored approaches and trends in renewable energy policy, finance, and capacity building. BIREC 2005 was supported by the Federal Ministry for Environment, Natural Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany; the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany: the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA); and the European Commission. The Conference builds upon the groundwork of renewable energy for development begun at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPoI). This plan calls for an increase in the global market share for renewable energy-with a sense of urgency. This work was furthered at the landmark Bonn International Renewable Energies Conference in June 2004 (Renewables 2004) that brought together participants from across the world to focus on renewable energy scale up, with an emphasis on the industrialized world. Outcomes of the Bonn Conference included a Political Declaration, a set of Policy Recommendations, and an International Action Program (IAP) that included 200 voluntary commitments on renewable energy from a range of stakeholders. BIREC 2005 also reviewed progress on commitments made at WSSD and in Bonn.
机译:在全球范围内,能量消耗以速度快速增长。世界能源前景预测,在未来25年,在发展中国家发生的这一增长的大部分增长将增加60%。在作为惯常情景的业务下,化石燃料将继续占据能源组合,具有巨大的环境,健康,经济和能源安全后果。可再生能源的份额虽然以绝对术语增长,但将在很大程度上保持不变(14%,其中批量今天是传统生物量和水电)。此外,尽管这些增长率,但2030年,14亿人将在没有电力的情况下,可比的数量继续依赖传统生物量来加热和烹饪需求。显然,这是世界上的一个不可持续的道路,特别是考虑到预计仍然高涨的化石燃料价格持续到这十年及以后。 2005年11月7日至8日,中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会(NDRC)组织了2005年北京国际可再生​​能源会议(Birec 2005)。本次会议汇集了国际社会周围的全球可再生能源发展的共同目标,特别强调发展中国家。 Birec 2005审查了可再生能源的地位及其对经济发展和减贫的贡献;共享成功案例和从可再生能源部署中吸取的经验教训;并探索可再生能源政策,金融和能力建设的方法和趋势。 Birec 2005由联邦环境,自然保护和核安全(BMU),德国的联邦部门支持;联邦经济合作与发展部,德国:联合国经济和社会事务部(UNDESA);和欧盟委员会。该会议基于在约翰内斯堡执行情况(JPOI)的可持续发展(WSSD)的世界首脑会议上开始的可再生能源的基础(WSSD)。该计划要求增加全球市场份额,以便具有紧迫感的能力。这项工作在2004年6月的Landmark Bonn国际可再生​​能源会议上进行了进一步(可再生)2004年,汇集了来自世界各地的参与者,专注于可再生能源量规模,重点是工业化世界。 Bonn会议的结果包括政治宣言,一系列政策建议,以及一个国际行动计划(IAP),其中包括200个与一系列利益攸关方对可再生能源的自愿承诺。 Birec 2005还审查了在WSSD和Bonn的承诺的进展情况。



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