
Evaluation of robot deployment in live missions with the military, police, and fire brigade




Robots have been successfully deployed within bomb squads all over the world for decades. Recent technical improvements are increasing the prospects to achieve the same benefits also for other high risk professions. As the number of applications increase issues of collaboration and coordination come into question. Can several groups deploy the same type of robot? Can they deploy the same methods? Can resources be shared? What characterizes the different applications? What are the similarities and differences between different groups? This paper reports on a study of four areas in which robots are already, or are about to be deployed: Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT), Military and Police Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Military Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear contamination control (CBRN), and Fire Fighting (FF). The aim of the study has been to achieve a general overview across the four areas to survey and compare their similarities and differences. It has also been investigated to what extent it is possible for the them to deploy the same type of robot. It was found that the groups share many requirements, but, that they also have a few individual hard constrains. A comparison across the groups showed the demands of man-portability, ability to access narrow premises, and ability to handle objects of different weight to be decisive; two or three different sizes of robots will be needed to satisfy the need of the four areas.
机译:几十年来,机器人已成功部署在世界各地的炸弹队中。最近的技术改进正在增加对其他高风险职业的同样效益的前景。随着申请人数增加了合作和协调的问题。几个组可以部署相同类型的机器人?它们是否可以部署相同的方法?可以共享资源吗?什么表征了不同的应用程序?不同群体之间的相似性和差异是什么?本文报告了对机器人已经或即将部署的四个领域的研究:城市地形(MOUT),军事和警察爆炸地区处置(EOD),​​军用化学生物放射核污染控制(CBRN )和消防(FF)。该研究的目的是达到四个领域的一般概述,调查和比较它们的相似之处和差异。还有在多大程度上调查了它们可以部署相同类型的机器人。有人发现,这些团体分享了许多要求,但是,他们也有一些个人难以约束。这些组的比较显示了人性便携性,进入狭窄房屋的能力,以及处理不同重量的物体的能力是决定性的能力;需要两种或三种不同的机器人来满足四个区域的需求。



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