
Animal genetic resources and sustainable development in the Mediterranean region




The richness of the Mediterranean area in Animal Genetic Resources places this region in a key position regarding overall biodiversity, with particular responsibilities in their management. Native breeds of domestic animals, especially in this region,are used mostly in low-input low-output systems, developed over the years, which fit well with the challenges placed by sustainable development, including product quality, biodiversity, economic viability, respecto of social, and environmental constraints and acceptability by consumers (including ethics and animal welfare). Those breeds play, therefore, a key role in ecological and social equilibrium, and are the basis of local high-quality products. Nevertheless, many of the native breeds have alreadybeen lost or are endangered of extinction, and steps must be taken to invert that trend, of which the development of sustainable breeding programs, aiming at improving lifetime overall efficiency (including both production and non-production traits), could improve their competitiveness relative to other genotypes. In addition, the valuation of their products would give further support to these native breeds, and to the systems and human communities to which they are associated.



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