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The Emergence of Self-Conscious Systems From Symbolic AI to Embodied Robotics




Since hundred millions of years, the natural evolution on Earth has developed nervous systems with increasing complexity. They work according to algorithms of neurochemistry and equip organisms with self-adapting, self-controlling, and self-conscious features. But the laws of evolution could also admit completely different forms of life on different material basis - and perhaps they have emerged elsewhere in the universe. Therefore, humans and animals are only special cases of intelligent systems which have emerged on Earth under more or less random conditions. They are neither goals nor in the center of evolution. Traditional AI had tried to imitate the human mind by symbolic programming with only modest success. In a technical evolution of embodied robotics, artificial forms of life and self-conscious systems could emerge with new self-organizing features. But, like in natural evolution, self-organization does not automatically lead to desired results. Therefore, controlled emergence is a challenge of future technology. A new moral responsibility is demanded in order to handle human-robotic interaction which is evolving in a technical co-evolution.
机译:自从数百万年以来,地球上的自然演化发生了越来越复杂的神经系统。它们根据神经化学的算法和自我适应,自我控制和自我意识的功能的算法工作。但演化法也可以承认不同材料的完全不同的生活方式 - 也许他们已经出现在宇宙的其他地方。因此,人类和动物只是在地球上出现的智能系统的特殊情况,在或多或少随机条件下出现在地球上。他们既不是进化的目标也不是进化的。传统的AI试图通过象征性的编程来模仿人类的思维,只有适度的成功。在实施的机器人技术的技术演变中,人工形式的生命形式和自我意识系统可以出现新的自组织功能。但是,就像在自然的演变一样,自我组织不会自动导致期望的结果。因此,控制的出现是未来技术的挑战。需要一种新的道德责任,以处理在技术共同进化中发展的人类机器人互动。



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