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Environmental Impact Assessment of Human Developmental Activities and Consumer Products : A Preventive Measure For Protecting The Human Health and The Environment




Development and environment was a major issue of the 20th century and the debate continues in the 21st century. At the centre of the debate are the five major economic development programs, all based on the 'fossil fuel economy'- the industrialization, urbanization, motorization, farmization and the energization which is essential to deliver a minimum quality of.life to the human society, but whose operation is also threatening the existence of the very human society. Development of infrastructure network -buildings, roads, power lines, industries, airports, harbours - requires large areas of land clearing and soil erosion. In the beginning of the 20th century, the slogan was 'develop or perish', and today it is proving like 'develop and perish'. Earlier was the period of 'Development Without Restriction' when resources were plenty and consumers few. It has resulted more like 'Development With Destruction'. Mankind is caught in a vicious circle of 'economic development vis-a-vis environmental degradation'.
机译:发展与环境是20世纪20世纪的一个主要问题,辩论在21世纪持续。在辩论的中心是五大经济发展方案,全部基于“化石燃料经济性” - 工业化,城市化,机动化,耕作和激励,这是为人类社会提供最低品质的必要条件,但其操作也在威胁到人类社会的存在。开发基础设施网络建筑,道路,电力线,行业,机场,港口 - 需要大面积的土地清理和土壤侵蚀。在20世纪初,口号“发展或灭亡”,今天它被证明就像“发展和灭亡”一样。当资源充足和消费者少数时,早些时候是“没有限制的发展”的时期。它导致了更像“与毁灭的发展”。人类被陷入了一个恶性的“经济发展vis-vis环境退化”的恶性循环。



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