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Development of Certificated Reference Materials for Polarization Mode Dispersion




We constructed a standard measurement setup for polarization mode dispersion (PMD) based on Jones matrix eigen-analysis method. We measured a differential group delay of a 1 m-long polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) and evaluated the measurement uncertainty to be less than 0.6 %. As a transfer standard for PMD, we fabricated mode-coupled PMD artifacts by concatenating the 50 PMF sections with random birefringent axis orientation. Using the standard setup, we certificated the PMD values of the three PMD artifacts to be 0.0884 ps, 0.977 ps, 1.541 ps with the standard uncertainty of 0.4 fs, 16 fs, 23 fs, respectively.
机译:基于Jones矩阵eIgen分析方法,我们构建了一种用于偏振模式色散(PMD)的标准测量设置。我们测量了1米长的偏振纤维(PMF)的差分群延迟,并评估了测量不确定性小于0.6%。作为PMD的转移标准,我们通过将50 PMF部分连接到随机双折射轴方向来制造模式耦合的PMD伪影。使用标准设置,我们将三个PMD工件的PMD值认证为0.0884 ps,0.977 ps,1.541 ps,分别为0.4 fs,16 fs,23 fs的标准不确定性。


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