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The role very short-term forecasting will play in getting to 20 - (PPT)

机译:非常短期预测的角色将在获得20% - (PPT)中发挥作用



Windpower prediction is required for efficient system operation: - The importance of prediction is becoming increasingly recognised as the growth of windpower continues. - To date, the shortest forecast time interval (that is commonly available) is in the hour ahead range. - However, as windpower penetration and the size of windfarms continue to increase, the importance of very short-term forecasting will also become apparent. - In order to make a 20% penetration by energy throughout the USA, very shortterm prediction will be vital. - This presentation has shown that significant improvements over persistence can be made, even as short as 2.5 minutes ahead.
机译:有效的系统操作需要风电预测: - 随着风力发动机的增长,预测的重要性变得越来越被认为是持续的。 - 迄今为止,最短的预测时间间隔(通常可用)是在前方时间范围内。 - 然而,随着风车渗透率和风线的规模继续增加,非常短期预测的重要性也会变得明显。 - 为了使我们在整个美国能源渗透20%,非常短的预测将是至关重要的。 - 本演示文稿表明,可以使对持久性的显着改进,即使提前2.5分钟。



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