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Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects' optimalizing quality access through digital preservation practice




Most libraries around the world have some of their holdings in an audio-format. This sound material, kept in its analogue form, has a microscopic life expectancy compared to material found on a paper medium. To delay a migration to a digital medium for another decade could be the coup de grace for many such sound collections, or cost an eye and a leg because of the unavailability of adequate analogue replay machines. Both IFLA's Audio-Visual Media Section and the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) recommend digitization as the best means to safeguard the audio heritage for the future.
机译:世界各地的大多数图书馆都以音频格式拥有他们的一些持有。与其模拟形式保持的这种声音材料具有与纸质介质上的材料相比的微观寿命。要延迟向数字媒体迁移另一十年可能是许多这样的音响收集的COUP DE GRACE,或者由于足够的模拟重播机器的不可用而成本和一条腿。 IFLA的视听媒体部分和国际声音和视听档案协会(IASA)推荐数字化作为保护未来音频遗产的最佳手段。



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