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New Guidelines Document Assists With PRMS Applications




Continuing their leadership in developing consistent, clear, and reliable practices and guidance for international use in reserves reporting, SPE and sister organizations (AAPG, WPC, SPEE, and SEG) issued in November 2011 a new document entitled Guidelines for Application of the Petroleum Resources Management System (AG) to accompany and support PRMS. The AG updates the 2001 document Guidelines for the Evaluation of Petroleum Reserves and Resources, also published by SPE, which was issued prior to adoption of PRMS by three of these major professional organizations. This new document will assist reserves evaluators throughout the world in understanding PRMS and how it should be applied in financial, regulatory, and reporting activities. Two new chapters (on deterministic reserves estimation and on unconventional resources) have been added to the AG; eight others have been updated; and a comprehensive glossary entitled "Reference Terms" has been added. The AG is available free to the public (not just to SPE members) on the SPE website. In addition, the SPE Oil and Gas Reserves Committee (OGRC) has begun to conduct Advanced Technology Workshops throughout the world. These workshops are intended to provide opportunities to discuss the AG and to present and discuss regional examples of PRMS applications.
机译:在2011年11月发布的储备报告,SPE和姐妹组织(AAPG,WPC,SPEE和SEG)的储备,SPE和姐妹组织(AAPG,WPC,SPEE和SEG)开发一致,明确和可靠的做法和指导方面的持续,明确和可靠的做法以及题为石油资源申请指南的新文件管理系统(AG)陪伴和支持PRMS。 AG更新了2001年的文件评估石油储备和资源的文件,也由SPE发表,该资源在通过这些主要专业组织中的三个人通过之前发布。这份新文件将协助全世界的储备评估员在理解PRMS以及它应该如何适用于金融,监管和报告活动。 AG增加了两个新章节(关于确定性储备估计和非传统资源);其他八人已更新;并添加了一个题为“参考项”的全面词汇表。 AG可免费提供SPE网站上的公众(不仅仅是SPE成员)。此外,SPE石油和天然气储备委员会(OGRC)已经开始在全世界开展先进的技术讲习班。这些讲习班旨在提供讨论AG的机会,并展示并讨论PRMS申请的区域例子。



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