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Production of an Iron Ore Super-Concentrate From the Samarco Concentrator Via Flotation




With the aim of producing a concentrate with silica content lower than 1.0 per cent SiO_2, laboratory experiments were conducted using a sample of the final concentrate from the Samarco iron ore flotation plant (mechanical cells circuit). The sample contained 3.08 per cent SiO_2. This sample was split in two size ranges: >105 mu m and <105 mu m. The <105 mu m fraction, representing 76.7 per cent of the initial mass, was refloated, generating a concentrate containing 0.61 per cent SiO_2. The >105 mu m fraction, representing 23.3 per cent of the initial mass, was re-ground to 100 per cent <105 mu m, deslimed, and refloated. Concentrates with 0.90 per cent SiO_2 content were obtained. Considering the mass proportions of the two size fractions, the calculated silica content of the combined concentrate was 0.68 per cent, which is considered satisfactory for the objective of this investigation. The major reasons for the higher (0.90 per cent) silica content of the concentrate from the coarse fraction are the presence of silicon in the lattice of goethite and the presence of residual silicious slimes in the pores of porous hematite.
机译:目的是产生低于1.0%的二氧化硅含量的浓缩物,使用来自撒玛科铁矿石浮选装置(机械电池电路)的最终浓缩物的样品进行实验室实验。样品含有3.08%的SiO_2。该样品分为两种尺寸范围:>105μm和<105 mu m。 105μm馏分,表示初始质量的76.7%,产生含有0.61%的SiO_2的浓缩物。在初始质量的23.3%的情况下,初始质量的23.3%,将100%百分比<105μm,脱滴和回流。获得浓缩物0.90%的SiO_2含量。考虑到两种尺寸级分的质量比例,合并浓缩物的计算二氧化硅含量为0.68%,这对于本研究的目的被认为是令人满意的。来自粗级分的浓缩物的较高(0.90%)二氧化硅含量的主要原因是甲酸酯晶格中的硅存在,并且在多孔赤铁矿孔中存在残留的硅片。



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