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Meter Data Management: A Key to the Utility of the Future




As your utility has added customers over the years, you've probably looked for ways to gather meter data more efficiently. If you distribute multiple products - electricity, water, natural gas - or serve a diverse service area, you may have installed multiple types of meter reading solutions. Today your utility may have tens or even hundreds of thousands or millions of meters from multiple manufacturers generating data that's gathered in multiple ways. Your large investment in gathering meter data has helped your billing department keep pace with change and growth, but now other groups within your utility are asking for more data. Or, perhaps you are looking for ways to share the operational costs of deploying AMR across the multiple groups that can all gain some advantage with this data. Ideally, you need one simple way to collate and analyze all your meter data for forecasting, planning, energy delivery, maintenance, and more to help keep your system reliable, profitable, and competitive. Properly managed meter data enables utilities to predict system load and usage to avoid imbalances and reduce off-network purchases. Data analysis can help pinpoint over- or under-utilized infrastructure, improve system throughput, speed service restoration after outages, and more. Properly managed data means your utility can deliver more value to customers and shareholders for less overall cost. Data itself becomes an asset. Although this may sound like technology from a hi-tech future, meter data management really just supports the basic and sound operation of energy delivery. It enables operational efficiency, cost reduction, and meeting current and future goals with fewer resources. Meter data helps utility leaders make good decisions, deploy new supporting technologies and get the most return out of their existing base of assets. This paper will discuss strategies for implementing a centralized meter data management system, how such a system interacts with multiple metering technologies and data applications, and the benefits that meter data management can supply to employees, customers, and shareholders.
机译:由于您的实用程序多年来增加了客户,您可能会寻找更有效地收集仪表数据的方法。如果您分配多种产品 - 电力,水,天然气 - 或服务各种服务区,您可能已安装多种类型的抄表解决方案。今天,您的实用程序可能拥有数十甚至数十万或数百万米,从多个制造商生成以多种方式收集的数据。您对收集仪表数据的大量投资帮助您的结算部门与变化和增长保持步伐,但现在您的实用程序中的其他群体都要求更多数据。或者,也许您正在寻找分享在多个组中分享AMR的操作成本的方法,这些程序都可以通过此数据获得一些优势。理想情况下,你需要一个简单的方法来整理和分析所有的仪表数据进行预测,规划,能源输送,维护,更加有助于保持系统可靠,有利可图,有竞争力的。适当的估计仪表数据使实用程序能够预测系统负载和用法,以避免不平衡并减少非网络购买。数据分析可以帮助确定超出或不利用的基础设施,提高系统吞吐量,停电后的速度服务恢复等等。妥善管理数据意味着您的实用程序可以为客户和股东提供更多价值,以获得较少的总体成本。数据本身成为资产。虽然这可能听起来像高科技未来的技术,但仪表数据管理真的只支持能量交付的基本和声音操作。它能够实现运营效率,降低成本和符合资源较少的当前和未来目标。仪表数据有助于实用领导人做出良好的决策,部署新的支持技术,并获得现有资产基础的最大回报。本文将讨论实现集中仪表数据管理系统的策略,这些系统如何与多个计量技术和数据应用程序进行交互,以及仪表数据管理可以向员工,客户和股东提供的好处。



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