
Sustainable agriculture and efficient water use in Monsoon Asia




The world knows little about Monsoon Asia's agriculture even though it feeds 54% of the world's population but uses only 14% of the world's land. Within 30 years from when the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) were established in Manila, most Asian countries had achieved self-sufficiency in rice by using the green revolution technologies of irrigation management, high-yielding seeds and fertilisers. It also built up the foundation of the 'East Asian Miracle' in early 1990s, through integration of agricultural processing and marketing. Irrigated rice is an engine of life, which sustains high-yield, abundant, high-nutritional elements and a long history of cultivation. The networks of irrigation and drainage provide life-supporting water to every kind of creature and so contributes to biodiversity and environmental protection. However, different rainfall and soil conditions have led to unique and efficient water management systems to meet the local people's traditional socioeconomic choices. This paper highlights seven such examples in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Syria. After successfully increasing food production, Monsoon Asian countries are now challenging much broader targets for human welfare through crop diversification and agro-industries for higher income and sustainable rural development. At the beginning of the 21st Century, one of the most difficult problems is how to sustain efficient irrigation management. 'Participating Irrigation Management (PIM)' initiated by the World Bank in 1995 has encountered a vicious circle. It appears that this now needs to be extended to 'Community Owned Management (COM)' which will give stronger incentives to farmers and, at least, land cultivation and water use rights. Finally, the tragic event in the USA on 11 September 2001 demonstrated that 'narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor' is more important than simple 'Poverty alleviation'. The United Nations is asked to seriously consider this aspect and initiate a comprehensive study leading to global structural reform, beyond the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
机译:即使它养活了世界上54%的人口,而且只使用世界上只有14%的土地使用,而且世界上都知道季风亚洲农业。在30年后,从国际大米研究所(IRRI)和亚洲开发银行(ADB)成立于马尼拉,大多数亚洲国家通过利用灌溉管理的绿色革命技术,高产种子实现了大米的自给自足和肥料。它还通过集成农业加工和营销,建立了20世纪90年代初的“东亚奇迹”的基础。灌溉水稻是一种生命的发动机,可持续高产,丰富,高营养的元素和悠久的培养历史。灌溉和排水网络为各种生物提供了寿命支持的水,因此有助于生物多样性和环保。然而,不同的降雨量和土壤条件导致了独特高效的水管理系统,以满足当地人民传统的社会经济选择。本文突出了菲律宾,泰国,印度尼西亚,中国,斯里兰卡,柬埔寨和叙利亚这样的七种这样的例子。成功增加粮食生产后,季风亚洲国家通过作物多样化和农业产业为更高的收入和可持续农村发展而挑战人类福利更广泛的目标。在21世纪初,最困难的问题之一是如何维持有效的灌溉管理。 1995年世界银行发起的“参与灌溉管理(PIM)”遇到了一个恶性循环。似乎现在需要扩展到“社区拥有的管理(COM)”,这将为农民提供更强的激励,并且至少是土地培养和用水权。最后,2001年9月11日美国在美国的悲惨事件表明,“缩小富人和穷人之间的差距”比简单的“扶贫”更重要。要求联合国认真考虑这方面,并启动一项综合研究,导致全球结构改革,超越千年发展目标(MDG)。



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