
Fractal Beauty of Programming Style




The literature on how to write programs with good style is extensive but it contains almost no references to measuring sensori-emotional or aesthetic values in source. We study this problem and propose source beauty can be measured with a simple, relativistic model based on the fractal dimension. We hypothesize the model is statistically related to yet different from software complexity. Experiments using GNU/Linux source as the test bed indicate the model is only weakly or moderately correlated with software complexity yet in directions consistent with anecdotal prescriptions for good style. The data further indicates removing comments do not improve source beauty but neither does adding them, a finding at odds with advice in some style guides. Yet mnemonics are correlated with software complexity, which comports with model predictions and some style guide recommendations to make code "self-documenting." These results suggest the model may help developers craft and maintain beautiful codes as a best practice.
机译:关于如何编写良好风格的程序的文献是广泛的,但它几乎没有对源中测量传感器情绪或美学值的引用。我们研究这个问题,并提出了基于分形尺寸的简单相对论模型测量的源美。我们假设模型与软件复杂性不同的统计相关。使用GNU / Linux源作为测试床的实验表明该模型仅与软件复杂性略微或中度相关,但尚未与良好风格的轶事处方一致的方向。这些数据进一步表明删除了评论不会改善源美女,但也没有添加它们,并在某些风格指南中的建议是一个赔率。然而,助记符与软件复杂性相关联,这与模型预测和某些风格指南建议进行了争论,以便“自我记录”。这些结果表明该模型可以帮助开发人员工艺并将美丽的代码视为最好的实践。



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