首页> 外文会议>British Crop Protection Council International Congress of the Crop Science and Technology >Ensuring the long-term effectiveness of fungicides - an industry perspective

Ensuring the long-term effectiveness of fungicides - an industry perspective

机译:确保杀菌剂的长期有效性 - 一个行业的观点



Industry surveys indicate that the cost of developing a new fungicide active substance to the market now lies in the region of E200m. This is a significant investment, and in the current scenario of rising costs and stagnant markets it is in the interest of growers and companies alike to ensure the continued efficacy of products in commercial usage. Stewardship of products therefore becomes more and more important, and a significant part of this is resistance management. The crop protection industry,in cooperation with its partners, acts to maximise the benefits of fungicides for the long-term. Growers and the growing industry must also take a responsibility for the implementation of measures to ensure the availability of effective tools to combatthe effects of plant diseases, and therefore ensure crop production for the future.



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