
Estimating cotton growth and developmental parameters through remote sensing




Three field experiments of nitrogen (N) rates, plant growth regulator (PIX) applications, and irrigation regimes were conducted in 2001 and 2002 to investigate relationships between hyperspectral reflectance (400-2500 nm) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) growth, physiology, and yield. Leaf and canopy spectral reflectance and leaf N concentration were measured weekly or biweekly during the growing season. Plant height, mainstem nodes, leaf area, and aboveground biomass were also determined by harvesting 1-m row plants in each plot at different growth stages. Cotton seed and lint yields were obtained by mechanical harvest. From canopy hyperspectral reflectance data, several reflectance indices, including simple ratio (SR) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), were calculated. Linear relationships were found between leaf N concentration and a ratio of leaf reflectance at wavelengths 517 and 413 nm (R_(517)/R_(413)) (r~2 = 0.70, n = 150). Nitrogen deficiency significantly increased leaf and canopy reflectance in the visible range. Plant height and mainstem nodes were related closely to a SR (R_(750)/R_(550)) according to either a logarithmic or linear function (r2 = 0.63~0.68). The relationships between LAI or biomass and canopy reflectance could be expressed in an exponential fashion with the SR or NDVI [(R_(935)-R_(661))/(R_(935)+R_(661))] (r2 = 0.67~0.78). Lint yields were highly correlated with the NDVI around the first flower stage (r~2 = 0.64). Therefore, leaf reflectance ratio of R517/R413 may be used to estimate leaf N concentration. The NDVI around first flower stage may provide a useful tool to predict lint yield in cotton.
机译:2001年和2002年进行了氮(N)率,植物生长调节剂(PIX)应用和灌溉制度的三个现场实验,以研究高光谱反射率(400-2500nm)和棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)生长,生理学之间的关系和产量。在生长季节期间每周或双周测量叶和冠层谱反射和叶子浓度。通过在不同生长阶段的每种曲线中收获1-M行植物,也确定植物高度,主节点,叶面积和地上生物量。通过机械收获获得棉花种子和棉绒产量。从冠层高光谱反射数据,计算了几个反射率指数,包括简单比率(SR)和归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)。在叶N浓度和波长517和413nm处的叶反射率的比率之间存在线性关系(R_(517)/ R_(413))(R〜2 = 0.70,n = 150)。氮缺乏症明显增加了可见范围内的叶片和冠层反射率。根据对数或线性函数(R2 = 0.63〜0.68),植物高度和主节点与SR(R_(750)/ R_(550))密切相关。 Lai或生物质和冠层反射率之间的关系可以以指数方式表达,具有SR或NDVI [(R_(935)-R_(661))/(R_(935)+ R_(661))](R2 = 0.67 〜0.78)。棉绒产率与第一花阶段周围的NDVI高度相关(R〜2 = 0.64)。因此,R517 / R413的叶反射率比可用于估计叶N浓度。第一个花阶段周围的NDVI可以提供有用的工具,以预测棉花的棉绒产量。



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