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Epidemiological Study of Accidents Occurred in an Integrated Polyester Complex in Maharashtra, India




A retrospective analysis of all accidents occurred in an integrated polyester plant located in Maharashtra was carried out over a period of three years (1998, 1999 and 2000) with the aim of studying the trends and the causes of accidents in various departments of the plant to suggest effective preventive and control measures so as to minimize the number of accidents and thereby to reduce the morbidity among the workforce. There were 109, 103 and 97 accidents recorded during the year 1998, 1999 and 2000 respectively. The three year accident data was collected from the records of accident investigation forms filled following each accident. There was no fatal accident during the period of study. Maximum number of accidents took place in the spinning department 31.2% (1998), 42.8% (1999), 30.9% (2000) and CP2/3PSF, CP2/3 Poly and others. No accident was reported in CP/POY mechanical department during the three years. Shift-wise maximum number of accidents occurred in the "A" shift (33.2%, 37.9%, 36.1%) and "B" shift (30.3%, 35.9%, 37.1%) followed by the "C" and General shifts in the corresponding years of study. The various likely causes of the above accidents were further analyzed. Inattentiveness of the workers was the foremost cause of an accident found in all the three years (46.7%, 72.0% and 80.4%) followed by faulty job methods and work practices adopted by them. Also about 80% of all accidents occurred in the younger age group of workers, viz., 20 to 30 years. The upper extremity followed by the lower extremity was the most common part of the body involved in the accidents. Based on the above findings, recommendations were made to intensify the measures of safety training, health education and personal counselling of the employees in the most accident prone departments to minimize the number of accidents. Suggestions were also made to promote good work practices among the employees and also to encourage the use of suitable type of approved quality personal protective equipments at all times.
机译:发生在位于马哈拉施特拉邦的集成聚酯工厂所有事故的回顾性分析进行了为期三年(1998年,1999年和2000年)与研究趋势的目的和事故的各部门的工厂发生的原因进行建议有效的预防和控制措施,以尽量减少事故的数量,从而减少员工之间的发病率。有在1998年度,分别于1999年和2000年记录的109,103和97事故。三年的事故数据,从事故调查表填写记录每个事故发生后收集。有在学习期间无死亡事故。事故的最大数量发生在纺纱部门的31.2%(1998年),42.8%(1999年),30.9%(2000年)和CP2 / 3PSF,CP2 / 3保利等。不出意外的是在三年报告CP / POY机械部门。意外的移位明智最大数量发生在 “A” 偏移(33.2%,37.9%,36.1%)和 “B” 移(30.3%,35.9%,37.1%),其次是 “C”,并在通用移相应多年的研究。上述事故发生的各种可能原因进行进一步分析。工人的疏忽是事故的首要原因在所有的三年中(46.7%,72.0%和80.4%),其次是它们采取错误的作业的方法和工作实践。此外所有事故的80%发生在年轻的年龄组的工人,即,20〜30年。该上肢其次是下肢被卷入事故中身体最常见的部分。基于上述研究结果,提出了建议,加强安全培训,健康教育,在最容易发生意外部门员工的个人咨询的措施,尽量减少事故数量。还有人提议,以促进员工之间良好的工作方法,同时鼓励在任何时间使用适当的型式认可的优质个人防护装备的。



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