首页> 外文会议>Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology >Evaluation of EPA 2004 National Monitoring Programs Data: Pollutant Fingerprint Analyses and Trends

Evaluation of EPA 2004 National Monitoring Programs Data: Pollutant Fingerprint Analyses and Trends

机译:EPA 2004国家监测方案的评估数据:污染物指纹分析和趋势



EPA sponsors the National Monitoring Programs (NMP) to obtain air toxics measurements data to characterize the composition and magnitude of pollution across the United States. For the 2004 program year, forty-four sites participated in the NMP, measuring a range of air toxic pollutants. 1 Many of these pollutants are carcinogenic and/or non-carcinogenic, such as asthma. In the 2004 program year, half of the forty-four sites measured the same suite of pollutants - volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbonyl compounds - resulting in the potential for 70 pollutants in common. This paper compares the pollutant "fingerprint" across these twenty-two sites, specifically focusing on hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Additionally, eleven of these sites have participated annually in the NMP from 2001 through 2004. Evaluations of how the concentrations for select HAPs have changed for these eleven monitoring sites are also discussed.
机译:EPA赞助国家监测计划(NMP),以获得Air Toxics测量数据,以表征美国污染的组成和程度。对于2004年的计划年度,四十四个站点参与了NMP,测量了一系列空中有毒的污染物。其中许多污染物是致癌和/或非致癌性,例如哮喘。在2004年的计划年份中,四十四个网站的一半测量了相同的污染物套 - 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)和羰基化合物 - 导致70种常见的污染物潜力。本文将污染物“指纹”与这些二十二个网站进行了比较,专门关注危险空气污染物(HAPS)。此外,这些网站的11人在2001年至2004年的NMP中每年参加。还讨论了对这些十一监测网站进行了改变的选择HAPS浓度如何进行评估。



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