首页> 外文会议>Workshop of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics >Improving productivity and livelihood benefits of crop-livestock systems through sustainable management of agricultural biodiversity in the semi-arid tropics

Improving productivity and livelihood benefits of crop-livestock systems through sustainable management of agricultural biodiversity in the semi-arid tropics




There is a growing worldwide acknowledgment of the multiple values of agricultural biodiversity for sustainable agricultural production, livelihoods, and ecosystem health. Poor people, particularly those living in areas of low agricultural productivity like the semi-arid tropics (SAT), depend heavily on genetic, species, and ecosystem biodiversity to support their livelihoods. This support takes the form of contributions to crop-livestock development, human nutrition and health, and reduced vulnerability to agricultural production risks. Nonetheless, agricultural production often impacts on land, vegetation, water, and soil organisms, eroding biodiversity in ecosystems and thus jeopardizing productivity and livelihoods. How can agricultural biodiversity be managed and sustainably used to increase crop-livestock productivity and livelihood benefits, while maintaining ecosystem health? How can crop-livestock systems management be improved to promote sustainable conservation and use of biodiversity? These are the challenges we face. Figure 1 shows the impacts of crop and livestock production on agricultural biodiversity, and also clearly indicates the direct effects and feedback loops that need to be taken into consideration in the sustainable utilization of agricultural biodiversity to enhance crop-livestock systems' productivity, and thus livelihoods in the SAT.
机译:全世界越来越大,承认可持续农业生产,生计和生态系统健康的农业生物多样性的多项价值观。穷人,特别是那些生活在低农业生产率的地区,如半干旱的热带地区(SAT),依赖于遗传,物种和生态系统生物多样性,以支持他们的生计。这种支持采取了对作物畜牧业发展,人类营养和健康的贡献的形式,并降低了对农业生产风险的脆弱性。尽管如此,农业生产往往会影响土地,植被,水和土壤生物,侵蚀生态系统中的生物多样性,从而危及生产力和生计。农业生物多样性如何管理和可持续地用于增加作物牲畜生产力和生计利益,同时保持生态系统健康?如何改进作物畜牧系统管理,以促进可持续的保护和使用生物多样性?这些是我们面临的挑战。图1显示了作物和畜牧业生产对农业生物多样性的影响,并且还明确表示需要在农业生物多样性可持续利用中考虑的直接影响和反馈循环,以提高作物 - 畜牧系统的生产力,从而生计在坐了。



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